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© fishy

if|Performance Series
10th - 13th of September 2015 | >> programme and reservations
>> Glashaus ADRIA Wien, 1020, Donaukanal Promenadenweg (near Salztorbrücke) | >> map

Ihre weiße Hautfarbe soll Glück bringen.

(The white colour of their skin is supposed to bring good luck.)

In if the region situation of people with albinism in East Africa is the starting point for a conceptual, performative and musical re-flection. Persons with albinism - are facing dangers and exclusion, and since around ten years, also mutilation and homicide. Behind this persecution there is the wide spread belief, that their body parts may bring good luck. Witch doctors use those body parts to create magic potions and talismans – a business worth millions. Based on quotations from documentaries, reports and media commentaries, different biographies are outlined in order to enter into a dialogue with what is happening and to draw parallels to our society and culture. >> more

Jack Hauser, Chris Standfest, Yosi Wanunu, Hannes Wurm Music Sebastian Bauer, Brendan Dougherty, Andreas Hamza (live), Boris Kopeinig (live) Concept, Staging and Space Hannes Wurm Dramaturgy Chris Standfest Project Management Anna Etteldorf Technique Sebastian Bauer Service Julia Muralter Production das Schaufenster thanks to ADRIA Wien with the support of Wien Kultur
>> biographies


>> programme and reservations