21.10.2017 - 15.04.2018 / stable 44 >>
Hippodrome Wellington, Ostend, Belgium
in the frame of >>
Het Vlot / The Raft
The flesh of the human body and the bodiless video image: those worlds are
connected in Akemi Takeya’s installation. Located in a squared room,
the choreographer’s performance LEMONISM x ACTIONISM –
an energetic exploration of Viennese Actionism through the lively body of
the female dancer – is being transferred to a bodiless video installation.
72 bright yellow lemons, arranged in a circle over a black floor, are connected
by white strings. A bleeding lemon is projected in the centre of these pieces
of fruit. Screens on the walls show footage of the artist’s actions
during the performance: dripping of lemon juice into eyes, washing of painted
skin, injuring skin. An image conserving the reality on stage. Takeya picks
eighteen actions and dedicates them to the shipwrecked in Géricault’s
painting. Thus, the installation reminds of questions similar to those asked
by The Rafts of the Medusa: Where do life and art intertwine? Where
can the transient moment of death and suffering be burned into a permanent
The performance >> Lemoism X Actionism will feature on the 11th of April 2018 at >> Cultuurcentrum De Grote Post in Ostend
Concepet, Choreografie & Performance Akemi Takeya Video
Michael Loizenbauer Space & Realization Hannes Wurm Sound
Noid Caption Jürgen Bauer Cooperation ImPulsTanz
– Vienna International Dance Festival, Leopold Museum, mumok –
Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, WUK – Werkstättenbereich
Production IMEKA 2017 Support Wien Kultur,
BKA Special thanks to Jan Fabre, Joanna de Vos